# Kaku 書く Welcome to Kaku's demo! Kaku is my own markup language. It's inspired by Markdown with a few modification for quotes, links, images and lists handling. It was created to fit my needs. (link: https://thomasorus.com label: this is the label title: this is the title text: Visit the repo, for the full documentation ) Kaku can do quotes: (quote: Kaku is mostly used for my static website build. author: Thomasorus source: Kaku's Repo link: https://github.com/Thomasorus/Kaku) Kaku can do *bold*, _italic_ and `inline code` and ~strike~ text! Kaku can do 3 types of lists: - Bullet - List + Ordered + List ? Term 1 : Definition 1 ? Term 2 : Definition 2 Classic image tags or figure tags: (image: https://i.imgur.com/oJXNeQm.jpg alt: Sailor moon and Bruce Lee figcaption: I am the figcaption!) It's also possible to add videos as fake gifs or as real videos: (video: https://media.giphy.com/media/bXVAd2ZD5ND9e/giphy.mp4 autoplay) (video: https://media.giphy.com/media/bXVAd2ZD5ND9e/giphy.mp4) The same syntax is used for mp3 audio: (audio: https://archive.org/serve/FurEliseLudwigVanBeethoven/fur%20elise%20%28Ludwig%20van%20Beethoven%29.mp3) And for nerds, a block of code: ``` This is an _kaku_ text This is an
text display: { none; } # End ```